
If buying vegetables meant you ate healthy, if having a gym membership meant you were fit, if showing up for church on Sunday meant your faith was in good shape, if being married for over a decade meant you were a good wife . . . . Folks – if all that were true, I would be so set! But, the kale in my fridge has gone mushy as I’ve downed my second (ok, third) quad, tall, skinny, cinnamon dolce latte of the day; I watch TV instead of working out about six days a week; I work late instead of attending bible study; and we all know that “poor husband” is an understatement. We’ve been married since 2000 and are very happy living in North Carolina. We love seeing new places, experiencing new things and meeting new people. But, most of all we love family and old friends and know that there truly is “No Place Like Home.”

Day by day, I strive to become a better Christ-follower, wife, mom, friend, daughter and sister. So, please be patient with me – God’s not finished with me yet! To learn more about my passion, helping children around the world succeed, check out the ‘Help Change the World: Today’ link.

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